(In reference to the missing days - check out Spencer's blog for his posts about those happenings. The link is at the top of this page.)
On the road again....though we decided to make it easy on ourselves and get the
nine o'clock bus so we could enjoy sleeping in. Not that this made a difference, since buses aren't exactly timely over here. Given that I have a knack for running a little late, Spencer claims that these buses were designed for me. The difference with this chartered bus is that the tourists are out-numbered by the locals. Apparently, we aren't the only ones wanting to head out of the city to a little beach town called Sihanoukville. This was actually never on our schedule, but we ran into enough people so far that mentioned the town as a definite place to check out. With a schedule like ours, which is really no schedule at all, we figured we could spare the time for the beach. Here's a quick picture of our tedious time on a bus. Apparently I caught a picture of Spencer contemplating either what the beach will be like, or why he chose the seat next to me on the bus... I haven't figured that one out yet.
Finally the scenery gave way to nothing but rice paddy fields scattered with palm trees. Dotting the
In trying to fall in tune with the atmosphere of the village, we head out to the main street and search for the place that is most packed because that means it has the best food or the best drink specials, if we're lucky it'll have both. Today's top spot is an open restaurant/bar/guesthouse called Monkey Republic and drafts are $0.50, I'd say we found our spot. As I ordered the first round, we met up with an American who was here on a marine conservation project as an intern on one of the islands. She had gotten a technical degree in marine biology in North Carolina and was now participating in dives everyday to survey and catalog the different species of underwater wildlife around one of the local islands. Every week she would receive a new wave of volunteers, whom she was charged with overseeing. Soon we are joined by the other intern she works with, a guy that is half Thai and half English. He then brings his friend and from the three of these people we begin to learn more about the area.
We learn of a popular spot called Happy Pizza. It's name doesn't come from the smiling attendants, it come from the patrons who leave smiling. They use...special seasonings on their pizzas. Yes it is illegal, but apparently it is also very common, much like back home. However, here, every local we pass says two things to us in quick succession with a tone of questioning, "marijuana? weed?" So we walk one block past all the locals and arrive at the beach. It's not pearly white sand, but it is laid back with restaurants and bars on one side of the walkway and chairs and tables in the sand extending to half way between the walkway and the water's edge. We end up at one by random choice and enjoy the every present 50 cent beers. Spencer got a little adventurous and ordered some bar-b-q. Fifteen minutes later a whole fish shows up glaring at him from his plate. It was actually quite good, and given that we were on the water, it's safe to say it was fresh too. For some unknown reason, Spencer and I were coaxed into eating the eyes of the fish. Since it had been grilled, they had a crispy outside, but inside was runny like an under-cooked egg. Needless to say it's on the list of something we tried, but don't need to taste again.
The bungalows truly are on water and the strong ocean breeze is a welcome natural air conditioning. We drop the bags and head off into the night. The night scene isn't exactly lively, and we feel like the youngest patrons. Though we still enjoy the evening even though we learn that this is off season for the place. We learn that the guy with the car was actually borrowing it from his parents that are staying at a small hotel up the road from our location and know the owners of the bungalows at which were staying. So it's almost as if we are with a local, which reassures any fears of getting lost in the middle of nowhere.
In the morning, I was abruptly woken up at the early hour of 10:00 AM saying it was time to take a group picture, pack our stuff, and head back to town. Needless to say, I wasn't ecstatic, though ordering some mango shakes and sitting in a chair watching the clear blue sky and endless waves made up for it. We headed back to town and said adieu to our new friends. We checked into the colorful guesthouse we spotted the previous day, Monkey Republic, and then headed to the beach. Here was our beach day of doing absolutely nothing. However, it wasn't the relaxation you'd expect. Literally every 2 minutes, someone would approach trying to sell something. Women stopping offer to give you a massage or manicure. Beggars asking for money. Men selling sunglasses and lighters. Little children shoving their goods in your face. The children were seemingly innocent, but were the most annoying. They would hang around and tell you to buy their bracelets. If the answer after 30 seconds was still no, then they'd ask, "maybe later?" Regardless of your answer, they instructed us, "if you buy, you buy from me! Come to me later and buy from me." Spencer got a more rude answer from one of the kids. He didn't like Spencer's, "No," and responded with a litany of burps into Spencer's face and then turned and ran.
At night, we set out in search of a beach party scene. It wasn't exactly a rigorous search. Several of the beach side bars just increased the level of their music and put on some neon lights, presto, beach side club. They even hired locals to put on a pyro-display with wands doused in kerosene. They would twirl the sticks of flame right next to the water for a couple minutes and then return to talking amongst themselves on the side of the bar. We began to notice this trend throughout the crowd. Unlike other places we'd gone so far, where people are open to meeting the strangers they sit next to or talking to travelers, this crowd was more interested in staying within their small groups. This vibe killed the enthusiasm for finding a beach-side party, so it was back to Monkey Republic for us. On the walk back of just 2 blocks, our disappointment of the evening was joined by the disinterest in the area from the number of hookers that we kept getting becoming looks and gestures from as we made our way back for the evening.
The next day, we figured it was time to move on. Some places in ones travels just turn out to be an adventure, some are brimming with excitement, some are just impossible to leave, but here, we just didn't get a good vibe, so it was time to find the next place. This was only supplemented by an old Australian guy that struck up a conversation with Spencer in the bar/restaurant area of our guesthouse. He was a rough looking older guy that wasn't exactly well kept. He commenced telling his story of last night heading to the bar at the end of the pier so he could find a woman for the evening. He was successful and claimed that he insisted on starting the business transaction straight away. So he stepped out of the bar for a minute and took several of those magic blue pills for older men. While he was outside another Aussie called over to him and warned him not to pursue the girl he was talking to. The guy couldn't help but be offended and thought the other man was just envious. The response, "It's just because you're a fellow Aussie that I've got to let you know, you're talking to a lady-boy." "Come on, you're shittin' me, how do you know?" was the obvious response. The man responded, "Cause I've known him for 10 years." The old man telling the story to Spencer died laughing, smacked Spencer on the shoulder, and turned around and left. Spencer kind of looked back at me with a "well that guy's crazy".